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CMake support

SamuelMarks opened this issue · comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
I can add it if you want. Will probably add it for each of your dependencies first.

Describe the solution you'd like
Do you want it?

Describe alternatives you've considered
Not providing it.

Additional context
Should make a smooth pathway to cross-platform building, testing, and packaging

Oh such a PR would be very appreciated.
Tbh I don't like cmake too much myself (for reasons I guess),
but for sure it would help with portability a lot.
So feel free to add them 👍

Are you still motivated for this issue @SamuelMarks?
I'm sorry for the delay.
Maybe you could point the PR to some CMake branches in the repo not belonging to the gwion org?
I wouldn't merge in their main branch without the owner's agreeing.
But I could make the gwion source point to another branch and merge later when @euppal is ok with it.

Sure I can start sending PRs again. I go down to the lowest dependency, convert that to CMake, then next dependency until the entire project is CMake.

EDIT0: @fennecdjay ok sent a PR to fennecdjay/libprettyerr#1 but it does still rely on merging to make #include <termcolor.h> clean.

EDIT1: Actually I just downloaded the header from termcolor (in CMakeLists.txt)… so it should work well enough. Still would be nice if all dependencies became CMake (for sanity's sake). Ditto for C89.

I just merged libprettyerr.
Sorry for the delay, I was quite busy IRL.
What you be the next step?

I'll do ast and fmt next (going alphabetically)