Gwill / gamma_scalping_backtester

Vega testing for gamma scalping project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Description of modules present in project

For the automated testing of the data this script is used

Help on function getOptionPremiumBS in module bs: getOptionPremiumBS(S, K, T, r, sigma, option)

Function to calculate option premium value using Black Scholes model    

Parameters : 
S (float) : Spot Price (Current price of underlying asset)
K (float) : Strike Price
T (float) : Time till expiry of the option (expressed in years)
sigma (float) : Implied Volatility
option ('call' / 'put') : Type of option for which calculation is to be done

Returns : 
float : Premium of the option for given parameter values

Help on function getImpliedVolatilityBS in module bs: getImpliedVolatilityBS(C, S, K, T, r, precision)

Function to calculate implied volatility value using binary search on interval [0, 2]    

Parameters :
C (float) : Call option premium 
S (float) : Spot Price (Current price of underlying asset)
K (float) : Strike Price
T (float) : Time till expiry of the option (expressed in years)
r (float) : Risk free rate in decimal (0, 1)
precision (float) : Maximum tolerable difference between the actual option premium and premium using calculated volatility

Returns : 
float : Implied Volatility for given parameter values

Help on function getDeltaBS in module bs: getDeltaBS(S, K, T, r, sigma, option)

Function to calculate option's delta value using Black Scholes model    

Parameters :
S (float) : Spot Price (Current price of underlying asset)
K (float) : Strike Price
T (float) : Time till expiry of the option (expressed in years)
r (float) : Risk free rate in decimal (0, 1)
sigma (float) : Implied Volatility
option ('call' / 'put') : Type of option for which calculation is to be done

Returns : 
float : Delta of option for given parameter values

Help on function getGammaBS in module bs: getGammaBS(S, K, T, r, sigma)

Function to calculate option's gamma value using Black Scholes model    

Parameters :
S (float) : Spot Price (Current price of underlying asset)
K (float) : Strike Price
T (float) : Time till expiry of the option (expressed in years)
r (float) : Risk free rate in decimal (0, 1)
sigma (float) : Implied Volatility

Returns : 
float : Gamma of option for given parameter values

Help on function getThetaBS in module bs: getThetaBS(S, K, T, r, sigma, option, days)

Function to calculate option's theta value using Black Scholes model

Parameters :
S (float) : Spot Price (Current price of underlying asset)
K (float) : Strike Price
T (float) : Time till expiry of the option (expressed in years)
r (float) : Risk free rate in decimal (0, 1)
sigma (float) : Implied Volatility
option ('call' / 'put') : Type of option for which calculation is to be done
days : Number of trading days in a year (252)

Returns : 
float : Theta of option for given parameter values

Help on function getVegaBS in module bs: getVegaBS(S, K, T, r, sigma)

Function to calculate option's vega value using Black Scholes model

Parameters :
S (float) : Spot Price (Current price of underlying asset)
K (float) : Strike Price
T (float) : Time till expiry of the option (expressed in years)
r (float) : Risk free rate in decimal (0, 1)
sigma (float) : Implied Volatility

Returns : 
float : Delta of option for given parameter values


Config file for setting the parameter value of the model

Help on function initiateDatabase in module dataHandler: initiateDatabase(ROLLING_WINDOW_SIZE, RISK_FREE_RATE, IV_TOLERENCE, path_from_main)

Function to initialise the database, drop the non essential columns, process the data to calculate the implied and historical volatility, and create folder for the output of data

Parameters :
ROLLING_WINDOW_SIZE (int) : Window size on which the historical volatility needs to be calcualted
RISK_FREE_RATE (float) : Risk free rate in market in decimal (0, 1)
IV_TOLERENCE (float) : Maximum tolerable difference between the actual option premium and premium using calculated volatility
path_from_main (string) : Path of dataset file for deriving folder name in which dataset needs to be stored in case of automation, NULL in case of running for single file

Returns : 
int : Number of rows in dataset (aka size of dataset)
float : STRIKE_PRICE for the dataset
string : Folder name in which the summary and trade data needs to be stored under output

Help on function datasetSpecificFunction in module dataHandler: datasetSpecificFunction()

This function is specific to the structure of the dataset being used, used to rename the column of the dataset, remove the non required columns and append index to the dataset if not present

Parameters :

Returns : 

Help on function convertToNumeric in module dataHandler: convertToNumeric()

Convert the data in the dataframe to float values, except the timestamp column, if any other custom column needs to be protected from change to numeric, change this function accordingly

Parameters :

Returns : 

Help on function calculateAvgFuturePrice in module dataHandler: calculateAvgFuturePrice()

Used to calculate the average future price if not present in the dataset

Parameters :

Returns : 

Help on function getSpotPrice in module dataHandler: getSpotPrice(idx, rate, type_of_data)

Retrive the spot price of the underlying asset from the dataset, uses future price from dataset and discounts it over the rate to provide current asset price

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index value according to the dataset for which the query has been initiated
rate (float) : Risk free rate value in market in decimal (0, 1)
type_of_data (string) : 'bid', 'ask' or 'avg' according to which type of price is required

Returns : 
float : Price of the underlying asset at given index ('bid', 'ask' or 'avg')

Help on function getSpotPriceFuture in module dataHandler: getSpotPriceFuture(idx, type_of_data)

Retrive the future from the dataset at given index

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index value according to the dataset for which the query has been initiated
type_of_data (string) : 'bid', 'ask' or 'avg' according to which type of price is required

Returns : 
float : Price of future at given index ('bid', 'ask' or 'avg')

Help on function getOptionPremium in module dataHandler: getOptionPremium(idx, option, type_of_data)

Retrive the option premium value from the dataset at given index

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index value according to the dataset for which the query has been initiated
option (string) : 'call' or 'put' option for which premium needs to be calculated
type_of_data (string) : 'bid', 'ask' or 'avg' according to which type of price is required

Returns : 
float : Premium of option at given index ('bid', 'ask' or 'avg')

Help on function getHistoricalVolatility in module dataHandler: getHistoricalVolatility(idx)

Retrive the historical volatility value from the dataset at given index

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index value according to the dataset for which the query has been initiated

Returns : 
float : Historical Volatility value at given index

Help on function getImpliedVolatility in module dataHandler: getImpliedVolatility(idx)

Retrive the implied volatility value from the dataset at given index

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index value according to the dataset for which the query has been initiated

Returns : 
float : Implied Volatility value at given index

Help on function getVega in module dataHandler: getVega(idx)

Retrive the vega value from the dataset at given index

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index value according to the dataset for which the query has been initiated

Returns : 
float : Vega value at given index

Help on function getDelta in module dataHandler: getDelta(idx, option)

Retrive the delta value for an option from the dataset at given index    

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index value according to the dataset for which the query has been initiated
option (string) : 'call' / 'put' Option for which the delta value is to be calcualted

Returns : 
float : Delta value for an option at given index

Help on function getCurrentDate in module dataHandler: getCurrentDate(idx)

Retrive the current date from the dataset at given index

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index value according to the dataset for which the query has been initiated

Returns : 
datetime object : Date at the current index in datetime object

Help on function getCurrentTime in module dataHandler: getCurrentTime(idx)

Retrive the current time from the dataset at given index, use convert to IST if time not present in IST format

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index value according to the dataset for which the query has been initiated

Returns : 
datetime object : Time at the current index in datetime object

Help on function getTimeStamp in module dataHandler: getTimeStamp(idx)

Retrive the current timestamp from the dataset at given index

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index value according to the dataset for which the query has been initiated

Returns : 
string : Timestamp at the current index

Help on function calculateHistoricalVolatility in module dataHandler: calculateHistoricalVolatility(dataset_size, rolling_wind_size)

Calculate and store the historical volatility values for the dataset on rolling window of size provided (Exponential moving average of implied volatility)

Parameters :
dataset_size (int) : Number of rows in the dataset
rolling_wind_size (int) : Size of the rolling window on which historical volatility needs to be calculated

Returns : 

Help on function calculateImpliedVolatility in module dataHandler: calculateImpliedVolatility(dataset_size, STRIKE_PRICE, RISK_FREE_RATE, IV_TOLERENCE)

Calculate and store the implied volatility values for the dataset and smoothen it on window of size 10 (Exponential moving average)

Parameters :
dataset_size (int) : Number of rows in the dataset
STRIKE_PRICE (float) : Strike price of the dataset 
RISK_FREE_RATE (float) : Risk free rate in market in decimal (0, 1)
IV_TOLERENCE (float) : Maximum tolerable difference between the actual option premium and premium using calculated volatility

Returns : 

Help on function calculateVega in module dataHandler: calculateVega(dataset_size, STRIKE_PRICE, RISK_FREE_RATE)

Calculate and store the vega values for the dataset

Parameters :
dataset_size (int) : Number of rows in the dataset
STRIKE_PRICE (float) : Strike price of the dataset 
RISK_FREE_RATE (float) : Risk free rate in market in decimal (0, 1)

Returns : 

Help on function plotVega_x_diff in module dataHandler: plotVega_x_diff()

Plot the graph of Vega * (IV - HV) v/s index and store it in dataset specific folder under output 

Parameters :

Returns : 

Help on function plotHV_IV in module dataHandler: plotHV_IV()

Plot the graph of historical volatility and implied volatility v/s index and store it in dataset specific folder under output 

Parameters :

Returns : 

Help on function plotTrade in module dataHandler: plotTrade(id, indexes, result)

Plot the graph of trade with Vega * (IV - HV) v/s index and with historical and implied volatility v/s index and store it in dataset specific folder under output 

Parameters :
id (int) : ID of the position for which trade needs to be plotted
indexes (list) : list of indices according to the dataset which need to be plotted
result (string) : 'profit' / 'loss' for determining the color with which trade needs to be plotted

Returns : 

Help on function loadExpiryDates in module functions: loadExpiryDates()

Loads the expiry dates for all months from the config file

Parameters :

Returns : 

Help on function roundToNearestInt in module functions: roundToNearestInt(val)

Rounds off the value to nearest integer value

Parameters :
val (float) : Value which needs to be rounded off

Returns : 
int : Value rounded off to nearest integer

Help on function getExpiryDate in module functions: getExpiryDate(query_date)

Retrieve the expiry date for the query date

Parameters :
query_date (datetime object) : Date for which expiry date needs to be returned

Returns : 
datetime object : Expiry date for the queried date

Help on function convertMinutesToDays in module functions: convertMinutesToDays(query_time)

Returns the time remaining(in days) for the current day to end in decimal

Parameters :
query_time (datetime object) : Time for which the time remaining until dayend(in days) needs to be calculated in decimal

Returns : 
float : Time remaining until the day end (in days according to current time)

Help on function discountByRate in module functions: discountByRate(future_price, rate, curr_date)

Returns the discounted price according to provided rate and time, used to calculate stock price from future price

Parameters :
future_price (float) : Price of future currently
rate (float) : Risk free rate in market in decimal (0, 1)
curr_date (datetime object) : Current date to calculate time remaing for which disount is to be done

Returns : 
float : Future price discounted on given rate for given time till expiry

Help on function convertTimeToIST in module functions: convertTimeToIST(date_obj)

Function to convert the given time to IST

Parameters :
date_obj (datetime object) : The datetime object which needs to be convereted to IST

Returns : 
datetime object : The input converted to IST

Help on class GammaScalping in module gamma: class GammaScalping

Class definition to construct and monitor gamma scalping object

Parameters :
symbol (string) : The symbol of the asset which is under consideration
call_strike (float) : Strike price of call option bought / sold
put_strike (float) : Strike price of put option bought / sold
call_expiry (float) : Time till expiration of call option expressed in years
put_expiry (float) : Time till expiration of put option expressed in years
num_contracts_call (int) : number of contracts of call bought / sold
num_contracts_put (int) : number of contracts of put bought / sold
contr_size (int) : Contract size of the asset
risk_free_rate (float) : Risk free rate in market in decimal (0, 1)
curr_date (datetime) : Date on which object was initialised
gamma_position (string) : 'LONG' / 'SHORT' Position which is taken
init_idx (int) : Index according to the database on which object was initialised
iv_tol (float) : Maximum tolerable difference between the actual option premium and premium using calculated volatility
pos_id (int) : Position ID for the gamma_scalp object (id of position under which this object was initialised)

option_value_traded (float) : Total amount of option value traded for calculation of transaction cost
future_valur_traded (float) : Total amount of future value traded for calculation of transaction cost

Help on function calcDelta in module gamma:
calcDelta(self, idx)

Used to calculate delta for the position (for this particular gamma_scalp object)

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index according to the dataset for which delta needs to be calculated

Returns :
float : Delta value for the position

Help on function closePosition in module gamma: closePosition(self, idx)

Used for closing the position

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index according to the dataset for where position needs to be closed

Returns :
float : Total profit / loss after closing the position

Help on function deltaHedge in module gamma: deltaHedge(self, idx)

Used to calculate delta, check if delta is away from zero and perform buying and selling to bring delta close to zero

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index according to the dataset for which delta hedging needs to be done

Returns :
float : Total profit or loss if the position is closed at given index

Help on function getOptionsCurrentCost in module gamma: getOptionsCurrentCost(self, idx, type_of_price)

Extraction of premium for the call and put option from the dataset 

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index according to the dataset for which the call and put premium needs to be evaluated
type_of_price (string) : 'bid', 'ask' or 'avg' according to which type of price is required

Returns :
float : Option premium sum for all calls and puts in hand

Help on function optionBalanceHelperFunction in module gamma: optionBalanceHelperFunction(self, idx, signal)

Function to find option balance at given index, helps to find out the profit / loss if the option position is closed at current index

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index according to the dataset where the balance of the options need to be evaluated
signal (string) : 'ENTER' / 'EXIT' depending on for whether the balance needs to be calculated for entry into position or exit from the position

Returns : 
float : Balance of options in hand for the specified signal

Help on function updateTimeTillExpiration in module gamma: updateTimeTillExpiration(self, idx)

Used to update time till expitation for the call option and put option expiry, which is used later for delta calculation

Parameters :
idx (int) : Index according to the dataset which needs to be accounted for time update

Returns :

Controls the overall flow of the program

Help on class Position in module position: class Position

Class definition to construct and monitor position that is taken at any instant

Parameters :
id (int) : The id for this position object so that it can be identified uniquely
gamma_object (Gamma Scalping object) : The underlying gamma scalping object for the position
status (string) : 'LONG' / 'SHORT' depending on the position which is taken
start_iv (float) : Implied Volatility value at start of the position
start_hv (float) : Historical Volatility value at start of the position
break_off_vega (float) : Value below / above which the position needs to be exited
max_tolerable_vega (float) : Max value of parameter Vega * (IV - HV) that can be tolerated if the movements of opposite of what we expect
idx (int) : Index according to the dataset where the position has benn taken

Help on function closePosition in module position:
closePosition(self, i, impl_volatility, hist_volatility, close_signal)

Function for closing the position by calling close for the gamma scalping object of the position

Parameters :
i (int) : Index according to the dataset where evaluation needs to be done
impl_volatility (float) : Implied Volatility at the index where evaluation needs to be done
hist_volatility (float) : Historical Volatilitiy at the index where evaluation needs to be done
close_signal (string) : The reason due to which this position is being closed

Returns :

Help on function evaluate in module position: evaluate(self, impl_volatility, hist_volatility, vega, i)

Function of evaluate the gamma scalping object of the position at new index, check if hedging is to be performed or the position needs to be closed according to the parameter value

Parameters :
impl_volatility (float) : Implied Volatility at the index where evaluation needs to be done
hist_volatility (float) : Historical Volatilitiy at the index where evaluation needs to be done
vega (float) : Vega value at the index where evaluation needs to be done
i (int) : Index according to the dataset where evaluation needs to be done    

Returns :

Help on function plot in module position: plot(self)

Function to plot the trade points for the position

Parameters :

Returns :

Help on function unchartered_territory in module position: unchartered_territory(self, impl_volatility, hist_volatility, vega, i)

Function to check if the deviation from expected move if too large and exit the position accordingly

Parameters :
impl_volatility (float) : Implied Volatility at the index where checking needs to be done
hist_volatility (float) : Historical Volatilitiy at the index where checking needs to be done
vega (float) : Vega value at the index where checking needs to be done
i (int) : Index according to the dataset where checking needs to be done

Returns :
boolean : True if the deviation is too much, False if not

Help on function openOutputFile in module requestHandler: openOutputFile(folder_name)

Function to initiate file objects for writing trade data and summary data

Parameters : 
folder_name (string) : name of folder under which the summary file, trade data file and plots needs to be placed

Returns : 

Help on function closeOutputFile in module requestHandler: closeOutputFile()

Function to close the files opened for writing the trade and summary data

Parameters : 

Returns : 

Help on function sellRequest in module requestHandler: sellRequest(pos_id, action, quantity, idx, delta, total_futures, future_balance, option_balance_init, option_balance_current)

Function to sell the specified quantity of asset and return the balance change of futures, also calculates the total PnL if the position is closed at current index

Parameters : 
pos_id (int) : Position ID for the gamma scalping object
action (string) : Action to be performed ('EXIT' / 'HEDGE')
quantity (int) : Quantity of the asset to be sold
idx (int) : Index of the dataset file(row number) for which request needs to be evaluated
total_futures (int) : Amount of futures currently in hand
future_balance (float) : Net balance of futures currently in hand
option_balance_init (float) : Option net balance when the position was initialised
option_balance_current (float) : Option net balance at current index

Returns : 
if action == 'HEDGE'
float : Balance change in futures by selling specified quantity at current market price (at current index)
float : Total PnL if this position was closed at current index

if action == 'EXIT'
float : Total PnL after closing this position at current index
float : Balance change in futures by buying specified quantity at current market price (at current index)

Help on function buyRequest in module requestHandler: buyRequest(pos_id, action, quantity, idx, delta, total_futures, future_balance, option_balance_init, option_balance_current)

Function to buy the specified quantity of asset and return the balance change of futures, also calculates the total PnL if the position is closed at current index

Parameters : 
pos_id (int) : Position ID for the gamma scalping object
action (string) : Action to be performed ('EXIT' / 'HEDGE')
quantity (int) : Quantity of the asset to be bought
idx (int) : Index of the dataset file(row number) for which request needs to be evaluated
total_futures (int) : Amount of futures currently in hand
future_balance (float) : Net balance of futures currently in hand
option_balance_init (float) : Option net balance when the position was initialised
option_balance_current (float) : Option net balance at current index

Returns : 
if action == 'HEDGE'
float : Balance change in futures by buying specified quantity at current market price (at current index)
float : Total PnL if this position was closed at current index

if action == 'EXIT'
float : Total PnL after closing this position at current index
float : Balance change in futures by buying specified quantity at current market price (at current index)

Help on function writePositionDataToTradeFile in module requestHandler: writePositionDataToTradeFile(idx, pos_id, status)

Function to write position opening and closing data to trade file

Parameters : 
idx (int) : Current index according to dataset for which the data is to be written
pos_id (int) : Position ID for the gamma scalping object
status (string) : 'LONG START / SHORT START / LONG EXIT / SHORT EXIT' depending on the position taken / closed

Returns : 

Help on function writeToSummaryFile in module requestHandler: writeToSummaryFile(pos_id, start_timestamp, end_timestamp, position_taken, entry_iv, entry_hv, exit_iv, exit_hv, total_pnl, close_signal)

Function to write the summary for the position, the entry timestamp, exit timestamp, entry IV, exit IV, entry HV, exit HV, total PnL etc.

Parameters : 
pos_id (int) : Position ID for the gamma scalping object
start_timestamp (string) : Start timestamp for the position
end_timestamp (string) : End timestamp for the position
entry_iv (float) : Implied Volatility when the position was initiated
entry_hv (float) : Historical Volatility when the position was initiated
exit_iv (float) : Implied Volatility when the postition was closed
exit_hv (float) : Historical Volatility when the position was closed
total_pnl (float) : Total profit / loss encountered from this position
close_signal (string) : Reason for which the position was closed

Returns : 


Vega testing for gamma scalping project


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