Gurenax / markdown-toc-generator

A table of contents generator for your

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Corrupted TOC

gal20040 opened this issue · comments


I have this in the cmd:

Running Markdown TOC Generator...
## Table of Contents

Is it ok? How to use it?


Can I see your markdown file?

Here is md file:

## Promotions advanced search

### Use case: Promotions search

| **Use case name:**    | **Promotions search**               |
| --------------------- | ----------------------------------- |
| Actors:               | HQ user                             |

#### Use case: Basic Flow

1. First
2. Second

#### Use case: Alternative flows


1. First
2. Second

#### Use case: Exception flows

**[Security exception]**

1. First
2. Second

So I saved your md file as to my local.
By running the command markdown-toc-generator, you should be able to see the following:

Running Markdown TOC Generator...
## Table of Contents
* **[Promotions advanced search](#promotions-advanced-search)**
* **[Use case: Promotions search](#use-case:-promotions-search)**
* **[Use case: Basic Flow](#use-case:-basic-flow)**
* **[Use case: Alternative flows](#use-case:-alternative-flows)**
* **[Use case: Exception flows](#use-case:-exception-flows)**

which results to the following if you paste it in your MD file.:

Table of Contents

  • Promotions advanced search
  • Use case: Promotions search
  • Use case: Basic Flow
  • Use case: Alternative flows
  • Use case: Exception flows

I have the same result.

May be it's because of some problem with installation:

> npm install -g markdown-toc-generator
[..................] / rollbackFailedOptional: verb npm-session 40e4469ea9c51920

and after some time:

npm WARN registry Using stale package data from due to a request error during revalidation.
[..................] \ fetchMetadata: sill removeObsoleteDep removing sisteransi@0.1.1 from the tree as its been replaced by a newer version or is no longer required

and after some time:

npm WARN deprecated kleur@2.0.2: Please upgrade to kleur@3 or migrate to 'ansi-colors' if you prefer the old syntax. Visit <\> for migration path(s).
C:\Users\sysadm\AppData\Roaming\npm\markdown-toc-generator -> C:\Users\sysadm\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\markdown-toc-generator\bin\start.js
npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@1.2.4 (node_modules\markdown-toc-generator\node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

+ markdown-toc-generator@1.0.7
updated 1 package in 21.241s
>node -v

>npm -v

OS: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard 64-bit

Now I'm trying on company PC.
I will try on my own PC.

Hmm, that warning isn't part of this project's package. It could be your local copy of kleur just spitting out warnings everytime you run npm.

Let me know how it goes

I've tried on my home PC and I have the same result.
Don't know how to solve it so I've used another tool.