Guim3 / IcGAN

Invertible conditional GANs for image editing

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

meet some errors in 'trainGAN.lua'

rogerbao opened this issue · comments

I get the error below on running th trainGAN.lua

/IcGAN/data/data.lua:32: attempt to compare number with nil

and the error of data.lua is in
9: function, dataset_name, opt_)
32: if n > 0 then

I find that the n in the 'data.lua' equals nil, which is defined in trainGAN.lua by opt.nThreads
32: local data =, opt.dataset, opt)

but i can't find the definition of opt.nThreads in code,then n equals nil.
Please suggest what could possibly be wrong.


Thanks for the issue! I completely overlooked this error.

@rogerbao I solved this problem. Actually, the problem is that the 'list_attr_celeba.txt' file should be placed in ./celebA. @Guim3 I think it should be written in


I've added this explanation. Thanks!