GuillaumeGomez / rustdoc-stripper

rustdoc-stripper is a tool used to edit/remove rustdoc comments from your code

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Allow disregarding file names for non-module comments in regenerator

gkoz opened this issue · comments

Say I have some documentation.

=| struct Foo
/// foo
=| impl Foo§fn bar
    /// bar

I don't really care which file this is going to end up at. I just want these struct and function to get their comments. A struct or a function could move between auto and src directories for various reasons. Functions for a particular struct can be present in more than one file. The generator doesn't have perfect knowledge of target file names.

Either add it as an option or change the current algo.

Or perhaps treat =! ? as a catch-all file and look for documentation for in both and ? => None hashmap keys.

The algo can't make a difference if the path to the object we're adding back comments on is the same. We could do it, but then it'll surely create issues.

Done in #11