GuillaumeGomez / rustdoc-stripper

rustdoc-stripper is a tool used to edit/remove rustdoc comments from your code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Docs not embedded for traits anymore

EPashkin opened this issue · comments

Ex. for gio cargo build --features "embed-lgpl-docs" in file auto/ functions in pub trait SettingsBackendExt: 'static not updated despite docs present.

<!-- trait SettingsBackendExt::fn path_writable_changed -->
Signals that the writability of all keys below a given path may have

Arf, not good...

Current version also don't contains docs, so problem was at minimum on previous release

For gtk comments not generated for these traits PadControllerExtManual, TreeSortableExtManual, EditableSignals etc., config in gtk-rs/gtk#832