GuillaumeGomez / rustdoc-stripper

rustdoc-stripper is a tool used to edit/remove rustdoc comments from your code

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Generic fns parsing

gkoz opened this issue · comments

impl Struct {
    /// This is func
    pub fn func<T: Foo>() { }

Expected output:

=| impl Struct§fn func
    /// This is func


=| impl Struct§fn func<T
    /// This is func

Affects regenerator too.

No, it's almost the expected output. I handle type parameters (incorrectly as it seems) as a precision on the object.

The problem here is that the type parameter is incomplete.

There is no function overloading.

No, the point here was to differentiate a function if the type parameter changed between the strip and the regeneration. Certainly useless now that I think about it...