GuillaumeGomez / process-viewer

A process viewer GUI in rust

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

When enabling CPU graph view, legend is rendered off-window

genodeftest opened this issue · comments

Steps to reproduce:

  1. open "System usage" tab
  2. check "Graph view"
  3. watch GUI

What happens:
Labels "Graph view", "process 1" (shouldn't that be "CPU 1" btw?) , "process 2", … are partially cut of.

Hum... Tested on 3 different computers and don't have the issue. Do you have a screenshot by any chance? (and I actually don't know how to translate it in english, so I guess CPU would be better?).

Github upload is broken, so I have to use imgur:

This is happening on Wayland, but not on x11 or on wayland with x11 backend. Might be an issue in Gtk+.

I don't think it's because of GTK. To resize the layout containing the graph and the list, I have to resize the graph by hand. So I think I update it incorrectly. I'll try to fix it as soon as possible.

I see a scrolled pane inside the window instead of the window having enough size. I can resize the window, but the content always is ~20px wider than the window, always leading to cut off content. I've seen something similiar before with SWT (a Java GUI toolkit based on Gtk+ on linux):

On wayland, updating the graph doesn't work correctly either. It will only be refreshed when the window gets or loses focus.

Maybe its not worth spending your time on that. I'll update Gtk+ soon and will report back.

On wayland, updating the graph doesn't work either. It will only be refreshed when the window gets or loses focus.

Ah. This, however is a GTK bug I think.

All of the misbehaviors described above are fixed by updating Gtk+ from 3.18.x to 3.20.x. Sorry for the noise.

Glad to hear it!