GuilhermeC18 / node-onvif

The node-onvif is a Node.js module which allows you to communicate with the network camera which supports the ONVIF specifications.

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Discovery Packets can not be sent due to this._udp being null

RoyalBingBong opened this issue · comments

For some reason, sending some discovery packets is taking a couple seconds before they actually go out and invoke the next one. This means if the discovery is stopped (via setTimeout) in between the packets, then this._udp will already be null. The next packet can not be sent and throws an (uncatchable) error ("TypeError: Cannot read property 'send' of null" at line 214) instead.
let send = () => {...} is simply missing a check if this._udp ist still set properly.

I think it can easily be reproduced by setting _DISCOVERY_WAIT smaller than _DISCOVERY_RETRY_MAX * _DISCOVERY_INTERVAL * 3.