Guichaguri / BOHA

A Forge/LiteLoader/Vanilla/Bukkit/Sponge/BungeeCord plugin that blocks hacked accounts (McLeaks free accounts)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

BOHA - Blocker of Hacked Accounts

A Forge/LiteLoader/Vanilla/Sponge/Bukkit/BungeeCord plugin that blocks hacked accounts (McLeaks free accounts)



Downloads can be found in the Releases page.

  • BOHA-Mod-{mcversion}-{version}.jar - BOHA for Forge/LiteLoader/Vanilla
  • BOHA-Plugin-{version}.jar - BOHA for Sponge/Bukkit/BungeeCord

Note: If you're using SpongeForge, please, use the plugin instead of the mod. It's safer and not version-dependent.



Put the plugin file in the plugins folder


Put the mod/plugin file in the mods folder.


  1. Add the mod, LegacyLauncher and ASM to the classpath.
  2. Set the main class to net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch
  3. Add --tweakClass guichaguri.boha.tweak.BlockerTweak to the start command


For both the mod and the plugin, the configuration should look like this:

  "message": "&cYou are using a hacked account.",
  "gong": {
    "enabled": true,
    "cache": true,
    "timeout": 3600
  "doha": {
    "enabled": true,
    "cache": true,
    "timeout": 3600
  "doha_database": {
    "enabled": true,
    "refresh": 24
  • message is the message which will be used for kicking the hacked account. You can use formatting codes.
  • gong - Gong's Database API
    • enabled is whether the database will be used for checking users.
    • cache is whether caching will be enabled.
    • timeout is the interval in seconds which the cache will be cleared.
  • doha - DOHA API
    • enabled is whether the database will be used for checking users.
    • cache is whether caching will be enabled.
    • timeout is the interval in seconds which the cache will be cleared.
  • doha_database - DOHA Local Database
    • enabled is whether the whole database will be downloaded locally
    • refresh is the minimum time in hours to redownload the database

It's recommended using the DOHA database instead of the API because, not only makes the verification faster, but also prevents hacked accounts from joining your server when the DOHA API is down.

Gong's Database doesn't have the whole database downloadable, but its API server seems to be stronger than DOHA's API server.



A Forge/LiteLoader/Vanilla/Bukkit/Sponge/BungeeCord plugin that blocks hacked accounts (McLeaks free accounts)

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%