GridexX / teleport-openstack-caddy

Automate the deployment of your Teleport instance behind a reverse proxy

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Teleport - Openstack - Caddy

Deploy easily a Teleport instance behind a reverse proxy.

stars license

This repository contains the Dockerfile and the necessary files to provision a Debian VM with Terraform into Openstack, install Teleport and Caddy, and configure the latter to act as a reverse proxy for the former.


  • Cloudflare account
  • Openstack cluster
  • Terraform CLI

Installation and usage

Clone the repository and navigate to the terraform directory. Edit the file to match your environment. Here are the commands to run:

git clone
cd ./teleport-openstack-caddy/terraform

# Edit the variables in the `` file
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply


Create the DNS records

Once the VM is provisioned, you need to configure the docker-compose.yml file with the Teleport URL and the Cloudflare API token.

First, retrieve the floating IP address with the following command:

terraform output -json | jq '.instance_fip_address.value' | sed -e 's/"//g'

Inside Cloudflare, create the DNS record for the Teleport instance.


Teleport use the wildcard DNS record * to create subdomains for each user. So you need to create a wildcard DNS record for the domain name you want to use. Also, you need to create a DNS record for the Teleport instance itself.

Create the Cloudflare API token

We will link the Openstack VM to a Cloudflare DNS record, so we need to create a Cloudflare API token with the following permissions:

  • Zone > DNS > Edit
  • Zone Resources > Specific Zone >
  • Client IP Address Filtering is In

Once created, save the API token in a variable called CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN. Connect into the VM with SSH and run the following commands:

cd ~/compose-teleport
export TELEPORT_URL="your-teleport-url"
envsubst < tmp-docker-compose.yml > docker-compose.yml
export CLOUDFLARE_API_TOKEN="your-api-token"


Replace your-api-token with the Cloudflare API token and your-teleport-url with the URL of the Teleport instance. The exportation of the Cloudflare api token is done after the envsubst command to avoid saving it in the docker-compose.yml file.

This repository use a custom Caddy image with the Cloudflare DNS plugin. Also, it uses the Docker-proxy to allows configuring Caddy from the labels of the Docker containers.

You can modify the Docker Image to match your needs.

Launch the Docker containers

Once the docker-compose.yml file is created, run the following command to start the Caddy and Teleport containers:

docker-compose up -d

Access the Teleport web interface

The Teleport web interface is now accessible at Replace with your domain name.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Made by GridexX during February 2024 🏰



Automate the deployment of your Teleport instance behind a reverse proxy

License:MIT License


Language:HCL 72.1%Language:Shell 22.2%Language:Dockerfile 5.6%