GraphicsProgramming / RVPT

Realtime Vulkan path tracer from scratch kind of thing

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Rendering modes [feature]

vchizhov opened this issue · comments

Various rendering modes could be added for various integrators. For instance: binary, depth, normals, albedo, whitted, path tracing, AO, and so on. A slider should be provided in imgui or/and a key to switch between those. It's probably also useful to be able to have the debug render as both an overlay, and on its own (so that it will be fast for more complex scenes).

This would be an awesome feature to have.
It will require some finagling on the CPU side to setup all the different render modes and be able to switch, but nothing as complex as implementing each mode.

Debug overlay definitely needs some more work. It'll need basic unlit/flat shading for debug, and being able to show materials would be helpful.

Thank you for feature but sometimes when I switched rendering modes to AO or binary program fails with
Fatal : VkResult is ERROR_DEVICE_LOST in C:/msys64/home/thr/RVPT/src/rvpt/vk_util.cpp at line 167
Assertion failed: res > VK_SUCCESS, file C:/msys64/home/thr/RVPT/src/rvpt/vk_util.cpp, line 167
164 void Queue::submit(VkSubmitInfo const& submitInfo, Fence const& fence)
165 {
166 std::lock_guard lock(submit_mutex);
167 VK_CHECK_RESULT(vkQueueSubmit(queue, 1, &submitInfo, fence.get()));
168 }
tested on windows 10 and ubuntu 21.10 with geforce gtx 1050ti.
same result - program aborted.
How to fix it?

Please create a new issue instead of adding one since it confuses the issue history and will very likely be ignored.