GoogleWebComponents / google-map

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icon property broken in google-map-marker

dougchestnut opened this issue · comments

If I use a google-map-marker with an icon attribute set as a string like so:

<google-map-marker icon=""></google-map-marker>

I get a marker but the icon used is the generic/default icon used. If I inspect the google-map-marker element I see the icon attribute in the dom but the element's icon property is not set (set to undefined).

If I change the type of the icon property in google-map-marker from Object to String then the icon works. I suppose this breaks the other supported types of icons however (google.maps.Icon|google.maps.Symbol).

           * Image URL for the marker icon.
           * @type string|google.maps.Icon|google.maps.Symbol
          icon: {
            type: String,
            value: null,
            observer: '_iconChanged'

So I figured out that in 2.0 an attribute typed as an Object must be in JSON format.
This works:

<google-map-marker icon='""'></google-map-marker>