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Question about rules_oci integration

cyrilhuang opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to integrate skaffold with rules_oci to replace the deprecated rules_docker, but encountered some problems during testing:

  1. During the original k8s deployment.yaml, I have
    spec.template.spec.containers[0].image: {{ .Values.image }}, but new skaffold does not insert this value, causing we have to hardcode this value
  2. Does skaffold support oci_image? In the example, we use oci_tarball instead oci_image. But oci_tarball needs repo_tags, which we do not need in out usage.
    load("@rules_go//go:def.bzl", "go_binary", "go_library")
  3. After running skaffold run -f skaffold.yaml successfully for the first time, no matter how to change the BUILD file, go_library/go_binary files, skaffolf always reuse the tarball generated in the first time, and do not rebuild the image, even if I intensionly corrupt the BUILD dependencies.
    `skaffold run -f skaffold-dev.yaml
    Generating tags...
  • my-repository -> my-repository:latest
    Checking cache...
    WARN[0004] Retrieving Bazel dependencies can take a long time the first time subtask=-1 task=Build
  • my-repository: Found Remotely
    Starting test...
    Tags used in deployment:`

Expected behavior

Actual behavior


  • Skaffold version: v2.10.0
  • Operating system: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS
  • Installed via:
  • Contents of skaffold.yaml:
apiVersion: skaffold/v4beta5
kind: Config
    sha256: {}
  - image: my-repository
    context: ../../../../../../../../
      target: //path/to:target
      - "--cpu=k8"
  kubectl: {}
      - name: server-dev
        namespace: ns-dev
        chartPath: ../../../charts
          - ../../..charts/values-dev.yaml

Steps to reproduce the behavior

Not sure if the following log is related:
`Generating tags...

  • my-repository -> my-repository:latest`

No matter what I;ve changed, it's always findind latest tag, while in my previous implementation (skaffold/v2beta5), the log shows that everytime the tag is different in building step.
`Generating tags...

  • my-repository -> my-repository:master_archive_220519-61114-gc300db93681a-dirty`