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skaffold dev - some way to force replacement of already tagged/digest images (feature request)

iamnoah opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

skaffold dev replaces image tags+digest on any image in the k8s manifests that it builds as part of the pipeline.

Actual behavior

Images with an existing tag+digest are not touched.

Per #565:

Images with fully qualified names (tag or digest) should be left untouched. The user clearly indicated that they want to use a very specific version of the image. That's what need to be fixed

I don't 100% agree with you here. Perhaps they are just using known-good tags as a starting point, but would like skaffold to replace them when they are iterating on their project.

So it seems like this is intentional. My issue is that I am in the "known-good tags" camp. During development I sometimes want to rebuild and iterate on a shared image as part of a larger Pod, and sometimes want to use the current/default tag+digest for that image. My manifests are generated out-of-band before running skaffold dev (the ability to have a custom manifest generator/KRM might help here) so removing the tags is tedious and breaks me out of the dev loop.

What I would like is some way of telling skaffold dev to set all the image tags it has, no matter what existing tags and digests appear in the manifests.

It looks like you're looking for this skaffold dev --cache-artifacts=false, it will build an image each time