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[ipam-autopilot] possible gpg situation/missing instructions

vmcolaco opened this issue · comments


using Cloud Shell, running the terraform provided in the infrastructure folder, I get an error, which I feel that may be because of a missing requisite, that I don't see documented:

google_project_iam_member.sql_client: Refreshing state... [id=projects/yadda-targetproject/roles/cloudsql.client/]

│ Error: Read local file data source error

│ with data.local_file.public_key,
│ on line 50, in data "local_file" "public_key":
│ 50: data "local_file" "public_key" {

│ The file at given path cannot be read.

│ +Original Error: open ./public.key: no such file or directory

public.key file is there, but empty. So, not really sure what I'm missing here


Ran gpg --generate-key and it advanced.

NOTE: got a new error gpg: signing failed: Inappropriate ioctl for device
so I ran export GPG_TTY=$(tty) to advance