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[zetasql-toolkit-core] No NameResolverProviders found via ServiceLoader

dmyoung9 opened this issue · comments

Whenever I try to replicate any of the examples provided for the ZetaSQL Toolkit, I am greeted with the following message:

No NameResolverProviders found via ServiceLoader, including DNS. This is probably due to a broken build. If using ProGuard, check your configuration

This message is always shown whenever I try to instantiate BigQueryCatalog... But I don't see any obvious way to change or augment its name resolution behavior (nor am I super certain of what is actually being indicated here 😅). How can I handle this properly?

Thank you for your interest on the ZetaSQL Toolkit! This issue was fixed on version 0.3.0.

The toolkit has also been moved to GoogleCloudPlatform/zetasql-tookit and has been released through Maven central. Please share any further questions or issues over on that repository!