GoogleCloudPlatform / google-cloud-iot-arduino

Google Cloud IOT Example on ESP8266

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Connect to Google Pub/Sub with this repo?

jannis-weber opened this issue · comments

Hi guys!
Thanks for your amazing work!

I've managed to connect my ESP8266 to Google Core IoT, thanks to your repo and examples.
But I'm not sure if I got that whole topic right..
I can send commands directly from the devices-tab in Google IoT to my ESP8266 but actually I wanted to push messages from google Pub/Sub to it. Can i trigger new commands based on published messages on Pub/Sub?
Intentionall i wanted to trigger a lock with pub/sub but I'm only able to send commands to the esp without having any connection to pub/sub.
I there a way to achieve that?
Thanks a lot!