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Disable font-face exclusion

ThornWalli opened this issue · comments


is there any way I can stop font faces from being extracted?

Already did it with

/* critters:include start */ or /* critters:include */. I'm afraid that font-faces are basically touched, but unfortunately it makes problems for us.

Because in the code the include doesn`t seem to affect the font-faces.

if (rule.type === 'rule') {
// Handle comment based markers
if (includeNext) {
includeNext = false;
return true;
if (excludeNext) {
excludeNext = false;
return false;
if (includeAll) {
return true;
if (excludeAll) {
return false;
// Filter the selector list down to only those match
rule.filterSelectors((sel) => {
// Validate rule with 'allowRules' option
const isAllowedRule = options.allowRules.some((exp) => {
if (exp instanceof RegExp) {
return exp.test(sel);
return exp === sel;
if (isAllowedRule) return true;
// Strip pseudo-elements and pseudo-classes, since we only care that their associated elements exist.
// This means any selector for a pseudo-element or having a pseudo-class will be inlined if the rest of the selector matches.
if (
sel === ':root' ||
sel.match(/^::?(before|after)$/) ||
sel === 'html' ||
sel === 'body'
) {
return true;
sel = sel
.replace(/(?<!\\)::?[a-z-]+(?![a-z-(])/gi, '')
.replace(/::?not\(\s*\)/g, '')
// Remove tailing or leading commas from cleaned sub selector `is(.active, :hover)` -> `is(.active)`.
.replace(/\(\s*,/g, '(')
.replace(/,\s*\)/g, ')')
if (!sel) return false;
try {
return crittersContainer.exists(sel);
} catch (e) {
failedSelectors.push(sel + ' -> ' + e.message);
return false;
// If there are no matched selectors, remove the rule:
if (!rule.selector) {
return false;
if (rule.nodes) {
for (let i = 0; i < rule.nodes.length; i++) {
const decl = rule.nodes[i];
// detect used fonts
if (decl.prop && decl.prop.match(/\bfont(-family)?\b/i)) {
criticalFonts += ' ' + decl.value;
// detect used keyframes
if (decl.prop === 'animation' || decl.prop === 'animation-name') {
// @todo: parse animation declarations and extract only the name. for now we'll do a lazy match.
const names = decl.value.split(/\s+/);
for (let j = 0; j < names.length; j++) {
const name = names[j].trim();
if (name) criticalKeyframeNames.push(name);
// keep font rules, they're handled in the second pass:
if (rule.type === 'atrule' && === 'font-face') return;

Would like to disable everything that has to do with fonts.

Example: We have x font faces in our HTML. These are then loaded in the client via document.fonts.
But because Critter takes them out they are missing.