Gokul595 / api_guard

JWT authentication solution for Rails APIs

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Issue with a custom logout route

vddgil opened this issue · comments


In my project, I need a custom logout route.
Here is my SessionsController including that route:

module Api
    class SessionsController < Api::BaseController
        def destroy
            render json: { success: true }

I can see in the log that the user is loaded, then the token is blacklisted but just after that, for whatever reason, I get JWT::InvalidJtiError (Missing jti) which raise a 500 error. I don't know why i get that, any idea ?

Thanks a lot for this awesome lib

Can you share the route config and the full exception backtrace from log?

Hey @Gokul595,
Of course, here your are:

The route config:

Rails.application.routes.draw do
    constraints subdomain: "api" do
        api_guard_routes for: "users", only: [:tokens]
        scope module: "api", defaults: { format: "json" } do
            resource :sessions, only: [:create, :destroy, :show]

Here is a gist with the logs https://gist.github.com/vddgil/efd7dea8b307255c1695eddf1a15d090

Thanks a lot!

Ok, found the issue.
I still have devise-jwt Gem in my app. It was trying to do something in an after action.
Sorry for that, but it's working now :)
Thanks a lot !