GodderE2D / godder.xyz

My website built with Next.js 14 and Tailwind CSS.

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Moving away from Supabase

GodderE2D opened this issue · comments

After more than a year of the redesigned Godder.xyz website, I will be officially moving away from Supabase. I learned that while Supabase was an amazing managed backend service and I would totally recommend it to everyone else - now I think it's not the best for me and this site.

Here's the breakdown of what's going to happen in the next couple of days/weeks:

Your experience shouldn't change. Unless you're Tristan, which is currently the only user who made an account on Godder.xyz after the account reset. You just need to create a new account, which will be under the same GitHub & Discord OAuth apps. And since your account isn't really that meaningful, nothing should change for you.

Internally, we will be slowly not relying on everything Supabase. The main database will still be Postgres and hosted on Supabase but instead be accessed using an API route and the underlying engine will be Prisma. We will be using next-auth.js for authentication with JWTs and a database. Both GitHub and Discord sign-up options will still be supported.


Supabase keeps breaking on my site, and most of the time it was not my fault, or at least not in my control. Authentication keeps breaking, numerous outages (some that I don't even know of), and one time I had to move an entire Supabase project because something was broken.

While managing my own database (well, it's hosted on Supabase) and authentication providers, I feel like I have more control. I remember tweeting about it, but I can't seem to find it now.

Another reason is that I really need to find a reason to work on my site again. It's been quite a while, maybe tomorrow is going to be the day. Well, that's going to be fun. And do another blog post, maybe.

This issue will remain open and relevant PRs will be linked here until the "rewrite" is done. Not really a rewrite.

Thanks all <3