GoXLR-on-Linux / goxlr-utility

An unofficial GoXLR App replacement for Linux, Windows and MacOS

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GoXLR Utility will not run

Loko1956 opened this issue · comments

When I try to run the goxlr-utility-0.12.5.exe as administrator, I get an error saying "Unable to locate the GoXLR Driver, please ensure it is installed.
Screenshot 2023-07-20 172317

So a couple of questions,

  1. Does the official app work without issues?
  2. Are you running a 32bit or 64bit OS?
  3. If you open Regedit and navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{024D0372-641F-4B7B-8140-F4DFE458C982}\InprocServer32\ - Do you see the API driver present?
  4. Is your driver installed to the Default Location?

Hopefully these will help track down this issue.


Thanks for your reply.

  1. Yes except I have to manually connect to my stream deck recently
  2. 64bit
  3. Yes, it is there. D:\Program Files\TC-HELICON\GoXLR_Audio_Driver\W 10_x64\goxlr_x64.dll
  4. No, I have it in my D: drive

Ok thanks.

You're the second person to report this issue in the last couple of hours, which is wild.

Unfortunately, you may not be able to use the util until the next release, I'm going to need to investigate why having the drivers installed to a different drive is causing issues. I'll keep you updated though.


Thank you so much

Ok I've found the cause, fixed it and generated a test build, could you please download the following:


And give that installer a try please?

Technical explaination: when the installer runs the first thing it does is check for some registry keys to see if you've installed before. If any of those flag as an 'error', it'll fall back to defaults during the installation (which is good, and desired behaviour). The problem happening here was that those errors simply weren't being cleared, so when it went to do the 'where's the driver?' check, it found the driver, but was picking up the previous errors and failing the check. This build corrects that error.

Sorry, same result

Damn, was rushing for a fix.. Fair enough, I'll take a closer look at this tomorrow and see if I can work out what's going on (I've probably missed a ClearErrors somewhere)

No worries. Thanks for trying. My GoXLR is working so no immediate rush.

Just reviewing your responses to the first questionairre, can you confirm the path on point 3 please? I don't know if github mangled it (please wrap it in ` tags, so it looks like this), simply because it looks wrong.

(D:\Program Files\TC-HELICON\GoXLR_Audio_Driver\W 10_x64\goxlr_x64.dll)

Something may be wrong with your driver install, the path I would expect to see is: D:\Program Files\TC-HELICON\GoXLR_Audio_Driver\W10_x64\goxlr_audioapi_x64.dll

There's a space between the W and the 10, and the 'audioapi' section of the filename is missing

Could you provide me with a screenshot of the contents of D:\Program Files\TC-HELICON\GoXLR_Audio_Driver\W10_x64 please?

Yes, that is right. I left out the _ between W10 and x64.... sorry

ok, I'm also seeing github mangling things, all good, I'll do some additional testing this side :)

Thank you for your time

No problem, I've got a new build underway, should be able to send it out shortly :)



i\It worky!!! So far anyways

Should I put it in C: or D:?

Put it wherever you want :)


Run utility on startup or use app insted?

You can choose both, I'd recommend running it on startup (although you'll need to disable the official app), and the exeperimental app just makes it run in it's own window, instead of a browser (which a lot of people prefer!)

Can I change it from browser to experimental app in the settings? I think I would prefer that over the browser too

Currently there's not a quick switch, but you should be able to re-run the installer and tick the box which will set it up

Let me know if everything is good, so I can close this issue as solved :)

Seems to work great. I just need to bring over my old profiles and presets and samples

Should be simple enough, right click on the tray icon and you can open the relevant util paths, then just grab stuff from the official app (Documents/GoXLR), and you should be good :)

Thank you so much! I appreciate your time and effort.

No problem, thanks for the detailed reports and switft responses that have helpped with tracking this down, it's very much appreciated. I hope you're able to get everything working right :)

Do the "Recover Defaults" buttons work?

They do, but they wont overwrite existing files, you'll need to remove the default profiles / mic profiles / etc prior to pressing them.

Got it all set up. I did it the hard way and drug all my old files into the utility. Works great!
"Truely you are a wizard"

I had the same issue, got it working by creating the path where the driver normally sits manually and reinstalling it to that directory