GoSecure / pyrdp

RDP monster-in-the-middle (mitm) and library for Python with the ability to watch connections live or after the fact

Home Page:https://www.gosecure.net/blog/2020/10/20/announcing-pyrdp-1/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

SessionID are duplicated often when collecting lots of sessions

obilodeau opened this issue · comments

This impacts our log hunting capabilities.

Assuming random number generators behave normally, we should not have many name duplications given we use random name (1 out of 5494) and a 100000 to 999999 random id.

10^5 * 9 * 5494

However, we see hundreds of thousands of duplicates in our logs. Yes, we have millions of sessions but still it's too much.

SessionIDs are generated in pyrdp.core.mitm like this:

import random
# [...]
import names

# [...]
sessionID = f"{names.get_first_name()}{random.randrange(100000,999999)}"

The names module seems to have dubious crypto as is challenged here: treyhunner/names#18 (comment)

With 2.0 on the horizon, it's time to re-evaluate how we generate session IDs.

Our choices are:

  • something's wrong with the randomness pool on the server
  • names lib is bad
  • using regular random instead of something better
  • format <first_name><100000-999999> is not big enough

Created a test script:

import random
import names
import namesgenerator

newrng = random.SystemRandom()

iterations = 1_000_000

old_way = list()
new_namelib = list()
new_random = list()
new_len = list()
new_combined = list()
new_way = list()

for _c in range(iterations):
    session_id = f"{names.get_first_name()}{random.randrange(100000, 999999)}"

    session_id = f"{namesgenerator.get_random_name()}{random.randrange(100000, 999999)}"

    session_id = f"{names.get_first_name()}{newrng.randrange(100000, 999999)}"

    session_id = f"{names.get_first_name()}{random.randrange(1000000, 9999999)}"

    session_id = f"{namesgenerator.get_random_name()}{newrng.randrange(1000000, 9999999)}"

    session_id = f"{namesgenerator.get_random_name()}{random.randrange(1000000, 9999999)}"

    print(".", end="", flush=True) if _c % 10_000 == 0 else 0

print(f"\nGenerated names: {len(old_way)}")

print("\nResults of non duplicates remaining:")
print(f"Old way               : {len(set(old_way))}")
print(f"New namelib           : {len(set(new_namelib))}")
print(f"New random            : {len(set(new_random))}")
print(f"New digit length (+1) : {len(set(new_len))}")
print(f"All Combined          : {len(set(new_combined))}")
print(f"Combined namelib / +1 : {len(set(new_way))}")

Ran tests in the cloud and locally.


$ python random_names_check.py 
Generated names: 1000000

Results of non duplicates remaining:
Old way               : 998005
New namelib           : 999960
New random            : 998005
New digit length (+1) : 999799
All Combined          : 999998
Combined namelib / +1 : 999997