GitTools / GitReleaseNotes

Easily generate release notes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fails to run with .InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element.

AnneTheAgile opened this issue · comments

I am just trying it out now I am getting the following error on any combo so far of arguments.

$  GitReleaseNotes.exe /OutputFile
WARN: No Output file specified (*.md) [/OutputFile ...]
Git directory found at c:\Users\morona\Desktop\src-git\amHiggens\.git

Unhandled Exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element
   at System.Linq.Enumerable.Single[TSource](IEnumerable`1 source, Func`2 predic
   at GitReleaseNotes.Git.GitRepositoryInfoFinder.GetLastTaggedCommit(IRepositor
y gitRepo, Func`2 filterTags) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\2ff13a4afca419d7\sr
c\GitReleaseNotes\Git\GitRepositoryInfoFinder.cs:line 43
   at GitReleaseNotes.Git.GitRepositoryInfoFinder.GetTag(IRepository gitRepo, St
ring fromTag) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\2ff13a4afca419d7\src\GitReleaseNote
s\Git\GitRepositoryInfoFinder.cs:line 26
   at GitReleaseNotes.Git.GitRepositoryInfoFinder.GetLastTaggedCommit(IRepositor
y gitRepo) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\2ff13a4afca419d7\src\GitReleaseNotes\G
it\GitRepositoryInfoFinder.cs:line 14
   at GitReleaseNotes.Program.GenerateReleaseNotes(String[] args) in c:\TeamCity
\buildAgent\work\2ff13a4afca419d7\src\GitReleaseNotes\Program.cs:line 104
   at GitReleaseNotes.Program.Main(String[] args) in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work
\2ff13a4afca419d7\src\GitReleaseNotes\Program.cs:line 29
Signal 67

The install seems ok, I switched to do it with an admin session.

$ choco install GitReleaseNotes
Chocolatey (v0.9.8.28) is installing 'GitReleaseNotes' and dependencies. By i
alling you accept the license for 'GitReleaseNotes' and each dependency you a

GitReleaseNotes v0.5.0
Extracting C:\Users\ME\AppData\Local\Temp\chocolatey\GitReleaseNotes\GitR to C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib\GitReleaseNotes.0.5.0\to
GitReleaseNotes has finished successfully! The chocolatey gods have answered
r request!
Added C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\GitReleaseNotes.exe shim pointed to '..\l
Finished installing 'GitReleaseNotes' and dependencies - if errors not shown
console, none detected. Check log for errors if unsure.

Did you know we are rewriting Chocolatey? The new
version is much more stable and secure.

Find out more and support the future of Chocolatey

Disable this message by changing ksMessage to false in chocolatey.config.

$ GitReleaseNotes \?
<command> [/WorkingDirectory|/W] [/Verbose|/Verb] [/IssueTracker|/I]
          [/AllTags|/A] [/Token|/T] [/Username|/U] [/Password|/Pa]
          [/ProjectId|/Pr] [/Jql|/Jq] [/JiraServer|/Ji]
          [/YouTrackServer|/YouTrackS] [/YouTrackFilter|/YouTrackF] [/Repo|/R
          [/OutputFile|/O] [/Categories|/C] [/Publish|/Pu] [/Version|/Vers]

[/WorkingDirectory|/W]           The directory of the Git repository to
                                 determine the version for; if unspecified it
                                 will search parent directories recursively
                                 until finding a Git repository.
[/Verbose|/Verb]                 Enables verbose logging
[/IssueTracker|/I]               Specifies the issue tracker used, possible
                                 Options: GitHub, Jira, YouTrack
[/AllTags|/A]                    Specifies that all tags should be included i
                                 the release notes, if not specified then onl
                                 the issues since the last tag are included.
[/Token|/T]                      GitHub access token
[/Username|/U]                   Issue tracker username
[/Password|/Pa]                  Issue tracker password
[/ProjectId|/Pr]                 Issue tracker project ID
[/Jql|/Jq]                       Jql query for closed issues you would like
                                 included if mentioned. Defaults to project =
                                 <YOURPROJECTID> AND (issuetype = Bug OR
                                 issuetype = Story OR issuetype = "New
                                 Feature") AND status in (Closed, Done,
[/JiraServer|/Ji]                Url of Jira server
[/YouTrackServer|/YouTrackS]     Url of YouTrack server
[/YouTrackFilter|/YouTrackF]     YouTrack filter for closed issues that you
                                 would like included if mentioned. Defaults t
                                 project:<YOURPROJECTID> State:Resolved
                                 State:-{{Won't fix}} State:-{{Can't
                                 Reproduce}} State:-Duplicate
[/Repo|/R]                       GitHub Repository name, in
                                 Organisation/Repository format
[/OutputFile|/O]                 The release notes file
[/Categories|/C]                 Allows additional labels to be treated as
[/Publish|/Pu]                   Publish the release to the specified issue
[/Version|/Vers]                 Specifies the version to publish


Try downloading the latest release. This hopefully is fixed.

Reopen if it is still an issue