GfSE / BPMN-SpecIF-Bridge

A bridge transforming BPMN-XML Data to SpecIF and eventually vice-versa.

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Consolidate multiple occurrences of a model element

odungern opened this issue · comments

If a process diagram shows a certain model element twice, the BPMN-XML lists two model elements.

Example (look for model element named 'Email mit Bewirtschafter Nr.'):

This is a limitation of BPMN-XML or the generating tool: We would have to identify multiple occurrencies in the BPMN-XML and consolidate them to a single model-element in SpecIF.

The Model Integration "Adopt" of the SpecIF Viewer does in fact consolidate multiple occurrences of model elements having the same name.
To decide whether the bpmn-import should do it.

Fixed for data objects already some months, ago. But check, if there are other similar cases.

Decision: Consolidation/Deduplication shall only be done upon import/integration/update of a model with common algorithms and according to the integration method chosen. The BPMN->SpecIF transformation shall maintain all model-elements as defined by BPMN-XML.