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Has anyone encountered disappearances of players and your skin?

OurLobanov opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

Has anyone encountered disappearances of players and your skin?

To Reproduce


Expected behaviour

Happened also on a regular geyser, usually this happens when a player appears

Screenshots / Videos

Server Version and Plugins

No response

Geyser Dump

Geyser Version

Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Device/Version


Additional Context

No response

I just logged into the console right now, maybe this is the problem?

[15:29:26 INFO] [geyser]: Got disconnected from the skin uploader: invalid chain and/or client data [15:29:28 INFO] [geyser]: Подключен игрок с именем пользователя Brevno273838473
[15:29:28 INFO] [geyser]: Brevno273838473 (вошёл как: Brevno273838473) подключился к серверу Java [15:29:28 INFO] [floodgate]: Floodgate player who is logged in as Brevno273838473 00000000-0000-0000-0000-00000a8e4529 joined [15:29:28 INFO]: [connected player] Brevno273838473 (/ has connected [15:29:28 INFO]: [server connection] Brevno273838473 -> auth has connected
[15:29:28 INFO] [floodgate]: Got disconnected from the skin uploader: failed to find the given code in combination with the verify code [15:29:28 INFO]: [server connection] SaneNutria80959 -> skyblock has connected
[15:29:28 INFO]: [server connection] SaneNutria80959 -> hub has disconnected
[15:29:28 ERROR] [geyser]: Не был получен пакет PlayerListEntry перед появлением игрока! Игнорирование игрока 1a4a7aed-9ce1-e3bf-0000-000000000000 [15:29:28 ERROR] [geyser]: Не был получен пакет PlayerListEntry перед появлением игрока! Игнорирование игрока 7506e60d-3fc9-7a87-0000-000000000000


Disabling xbox authentication will break Floodgate skin uploading. We do not provide support for forks doing that, nor will Floodgate skin uploading be fixed for these.

geyser dump

The same situation with the official geyser

Отключение аутентификации Xbox нарушит загрузку скинов Floodgate. Мы не поддерживаем форки, делающие это, и загрузка скинов Floodgate не будет исправлена для них.


It sees skins every other time, the skin was right in the game, I didn't change it