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CanDestroy flag on items doesn't work with Bedrock clients

Complex1t opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

The CanDestroy flag on items is not respected on Bedrock clients. For example, an iron pickaxe with a CanDestroy cracked_deepslate_bricks flag should be able to destroy cracked deepslate bricks, but you cannot using a Bedrock client.

To Reproduce

  1. Set up a Paper 1.20.4-497 server.
  2. Install ViaVersion 4.10.2, Geyser 546, and floodgate 107, set them up accordingly.
  3. Use this command to get an iron pickaxe with a CanDestroy flag.
    /give @p iron_pickaxe{CanDestroy:["minecraft:cracked_deepslate_bricks"]} 1
  4. Place some cracked deepslate bricks and go into adventure mode.
  5. Observe that you cannot break the cracked deepslate bricks with the pickaxe on a Bedrock client, but you can on a Java client (1.20.4-1.20.6) who is also in adventure mode and is also using the same pickaxe.

Expected behaviour

The Bedrock client should be able to destroy the cracked deepslate bricks with the pickaxe.

Screenshots / Videos

No response

Server Version and Plugins

Paper 1.20.4 497
Geyser 546
floodgate 107
ViaVersion 4.10.2

Geyser Dump

No response

Geyser Version

This server is running Geyser version 2.3.1-SNAPSHOT (git-master-66f30a2) (Java: 1.20.5 - 1.20.6, Bedrock: 1.20.40/1.20.41 - 1.20.80/1.20.81)

Minecraft: Bedrock Edition Device/Version

Bedrock 1.20.81 iOS

Additional Context

No response

Try with this build? it has a limited implementation of CanPlaceOn/CanDestroy flags that should be enough for 1.20.4 support.

Yes, it works with that build.

That build has been merged into master, which resolves this issue. Thank you for reporting it!