GetPublii / Publii-ui-locales

Translations of the Publii app UI in different languages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Italian translation

gpsblues opened this issue · comments


Here is the Italian version.

I noticed that deleting any additional language (it and also fr) does not show the translation. In its place comes "lang.removeLanguageMessage".

Hey @gpsblues

Thanks a lot for the Italian translation package. The files were added to the oficial language repo.

I encountered some issues (see images):

  • The string "langs.removeLanguageMessage" is not displayed correctly
"removeLanguageMessage": "Do you really want to remove the language {languageName}?",
  • Some "menu" strings have to be added manually
"unselectItem": "Deseleziona",
"insertActions": "Sposta la voce selezionata:",
"insertAfter": "Sposta qui sotto",
"insertBefore": "Sposta qui sopra",
"insertAsChild": "Inserisci come figlio"
  • Some wysiwyg strings are not translated

2022-04-04 15_39_15-Publii

2022-04-04 15_43_07-Publii

2022-04-04 15_35_08-Publii

Hey @gpsblues

Can you update the Italian language files?

Hi Bob,

in this file I added the missing strings and improved something.


@gpsblues Thanks a lot.

Thank you for Publii! :)