GetPublii / Publii-ui-locales

Translations of the Publii app UI in different languages

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Additional key naming and English translation errors

rbenitezpagan opened this issue · comments

Additional key naming errors


  • errorOccured > errorOccurred
  • deletBackupsConfirmMsg > deleteBackupsConfirmMsg
  • deletBackupsErrorMsg > deleteBackupsErrorMsg
  • deletBackupsSuccessMsg > deleteBackupsSuccessMsg
  • selectedFileExsistsMsg > selectedFileExistsMsg
  • menuIemsRemoveMessage > menuItemsRemoveMessage
  • errorDuringPreviewCreatinMsg > errorDuringPreviewCreatingMsg
  • twitteSummaryCard > twitterSummaryCard
  • twitteSummaryCardLargeImage > twitterSummaryCardLargeImage
  • syncFTPNoPassowrdMsg > syncFTPNoPasswordMsg
  • testConnectionNoPassowrdMsg > testConnectionNoPasswordMsg
  • tagWillNotAppearInGgeneratedTagLists > tagWillNotAppearInGeneratedTagLists
  • processingRegenerateThumbanilsInfo > processingRegenerateThumbnailsInfo
  • addTagsToContentAutomaticallty > addTagsToContentAutomatically
  • configureThemeBeforeGenaratingPreview > configureThemeBeforeGeneratingPreview
  • ifCanonicalURLIsSetMmetaRobotsTagiInored > ifCanonicalURLIsSetMetaRobotsTagIgnored

Optional changes - keep camelCase

  • usewideScrollbars > useWideScrollbars
  • sftpkeyNote > sftpKeyNote
  • reportBugInSupportdesk > reportBugInSupportDesk

English content translation error

  • Occurred - "pluginSettingsLoadError": "An error occured during loading of plugin settings", > "pluginSettingsLoadError": "An error occurred during loading of plugin settings",
  • Occurred - "pluginSettingsSaveError": "An error occured during saving of plugin settings", > "pluginSettingsSaveError": "An error occurred during saving of plugin settings",
  • Occurred - "languageChangeError": "Language change error occured - please try again.", > "languageChangeError": "Language change error occurred - please try again.",
  • Occurred - "duplicatePostErrorMessage": "An error occured during duplication of the selected posts. Please try again.", > "duplicatePostErrorMessage": "An error occurred during duplication of the selected posts. Please try again.",
  • Occurred - "errorDuringPreviewCreatingMsg": "An error occured during preview creation.", > "errorDuringPreviewCreatingMsg": "An error occurred during preview creation.",
  • Occurred - "siteLoadingErrorMsg": "An error occured during loading of the selected website. Please check the website files and try again.", > "siteLoadingErrorMsg": "An error occurred during loading of the selected website. Please check the website files and try again.",
  • Otherwise - "apiRateLimitingNote": "Disable this option only if you are using Github Enterprise with disabled API rate limiting. Otherwhise disabling this option can cause deployment errors.", > "apiRateLimitingNote": "Disable this option only if you are using Github Enterprise with disabled API rate limiting. Otherwise disabling this option can cause deployment errors.",
  • Publii - "copyright": "Copyright 2022 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">TidyCustoms</a>. All rights reserved.<br>Publli is designed and maintained by core team with cooperation with <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Dev Zen</a> and is made possible by the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Electron</a> Open Source project and other ", > "copyright": "Copyright 2022 <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">TidyCustoms</a>. All rights reserved.<br>Publii is designed and maintained by core team with cooperation with <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Dev Zen</a> and is made possible by the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"noopener noreferrer\">Electron</a> Open Source project and other ",
  • "support desk" - "reportBugInSupportdesk": "Report a bug via our supportdesk", > "reportBugInSupportDesk": "Report a bug via our support desk",

@rbenitezpagan - thank you very much for your feedback - all fixes will be included in the upcoming v.0.40 of Publii :)

@dziudek Updating the keys in the other locales for support of 0.40.0 is something you guys would do or is that something I can help with?

I believe issues #1, #5, and #6 can be closed.

I submitted PR #9 which updates the README documentation to make it easier to identify available locales and its download link.

And finally, for future work, do you guys at Publii envision keeping the locales for the different versions like:

-| 0.39.0
-| 0.40.0

Or just the latest?

@dziudek Probably errorDuringPreviewCreatinMsg can also be "creation" and not "creating" > errorDuringPreviewCreationMsg