GetFirefly / firefly

An alternative BEAM implementation, designed for WebAssembly

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Compiler will get segmentation fault for some kinds of `when` clauses on function

tatsuya6502 opened this issue · comments

The following valid Erlang code will cause the Firefly compiler to get segmentation fault:


boot(_Args) -> ok.

a(X) when X rem 10 == 0 ->

b(Y) when Y div 10 > 2 ->
$ firefly compile -C no_default_init --bin init.erl
   Compiling init.erl
zsh: segmentation fault  firefly compile -C no_default_init --bin init.erl


  • Firefly: develop branch, commit: 323e0ca6 (Sep 12, 2022 UTC)
  • macOS Monterey 12.6 (arm64)
  • Rust: nightly-2022-08-08
  • LLVM: firefly-15.0.0-dev_2022-08-27/clang+llvm-15.0.0-arm64-apple-darwin21.6.0.tar.gz

Fixed in develop