Gerschtli / dwm-status

Highly performant and configurable DWM status service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Arch Linux AUR package

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Ran into this project and it was exactly what I was looking for in a status bar (without having to write my own). Really awesome stuff.

Any chance of getting a PKGBUILD up and posted onto the AUR for Arch Linux?

I don't run Arch and have never written a PKGBUILD before. But I would look forward to merge a PR or provide the necessary input to write a PKGBUILD.

How does it work to add a package to AUR?

Hi Gerschtli,

A PKGBUILD is sort of just a descriptor (written in sh) for how to build the project. It contains things like:

  • The package name, version, description, source
  • A list of files or upstream git repo
  • functions for pre build, post build, pre install and post install.
  • Dependencies required for install
  • Dependencies required for build

A utility supplied by arch will create a package which can then be uploaded to the Arch User Repository

It usually doesn't make a whole lot of sense to store the PKGBUILD in the same repository because conflates repo source with distribution (opinions may vary). Instead a separate git repo is used and the package repo can be hosted on the AUR (as well as github as a separate remote)

$ git init
$ git add PKGBUILD etc etc
$ git remote add aur ssh://
$ git push aur

E.g. this is an example repository containing the PKGBUILD for st.

Happy to submit a PKGBUILD or to provide an example. Just wondering what you'd like in terms of repository structure/hosting/ownership.

How about you providing a working PKGBUILD and I will integrate updating it on each release?

For the needed dependencies have a look at the (or default.nix if you are familiar with nix).

And it would be good, if there were any automatic checks in travis or similar to check if the PKGBUILD is correct, because I have no possibility to verify.

If someone wants to write a PKGBUILD, I would appreciate it, but as this issue is inactive since november I close the issue.