Gerschtli / dwm-status

Highly performant and configurable DWM status service

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Erorr in dbus

lucassardois opened this issue · comments


When I run cargo run -- <config-file> I get the following output before the program stop:

06:22:04 [ WARN] Config option 'debug' is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.0. Log level is set to info by default.
06:22:04 [ INFO] Update all features
06:22:04 [ERROR] Error in process: reading process output failed (Os { code: 2, kind: NotFound, message: "No such file or directory" })

The first time I started it I had an additional error line saying dbus error

Thanks for help

Hey, can you post your config file, preferably a minimal config file to reproduce the error?

Are all runtime dependencies needed for your enabled features available in your PATH? See according feature section in README.

I just run the default config file with the order field set:

  "debug": false,
  "order": ["backlight", "battery", "time"],
  "separator": " / ",
  "audio": {
    "control": "Master",
    "mute": "MUTE",
    "template": "S {VOL}%",
    "icons": []
  "backlight": {
    "device": "intel_backlight",
    "template": "L {BL}%",
    "icons": []
  "battery": {
    "charging": "▲",
    "discharging": "▼",
    "enable_notifier": true,
    "no_battery": "NO BATT",
    "notifier_critical": 10,
    "notifier_levels": [
    "separator": " · ",
    "icons": []
  "cpu_load": {
    "template": "{CL1} {CL5} {CL15}",
    "update_interval": 20
  "network": {
    "no_value": "NA",
    "template": "{IPv4} · {IPv6} · {ESSID}"
  "time": {
    "format": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
    "update_seconds": false

I found out that removing "network" from the order array solved the error. I'm gonna check that required lib are correctly installed.

Could you please post the output of the following commands:

iwgetid -r
dig A +short -4
dig A +short -6

And does the following command remain open or exits it with an error?

ip monitor address link

I checked the necessary libs and I think they are installed on my arch linux. I'm not sure since arch doesn't probide directly -lib packages, but I don't get any errors related to that.

iwgetid -r correctly return the name of my internet box I'm connected at.
dig A +short -4 return an ipv4 adress.
dig A +short -6 return nothing.

ip monitor address link remains open.

Thanks for the help.

Hey, could you try the branch issue-5-fix and post the error message?

And please post the output of:

dig A +short
dig AAAA +short

The branch solved the errors.
dig A +short return
dig AAAA +short return nothing

I was on the eduroam network know for IPV6 strange bugs...

I noticed a problem, if there was an error with the command used to gather the network ip the error is displayed in the status bar...

It printed in my status bar:
server not found: connection timed out; no servers could be reached

Does the dig command exit with an exit code != 0? And is the message from stdout or stderr?

The time out is really hard to reproduce..

I found this way to make dig timeout:
dig @ it's basically a blackhole server wich will just drop all requests. (source:

➜  ~ dig @

; <<>> DiG 9.14.5 <<>> @
;; global options: +cmd
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
➜  ~ echo $?

So, dig return an error code of 9 when there is no answer from the the server as described in the manual ( The error message doesn't seems to be written to stderr.

Ah okay, strange behaviour of dig. I will provide a fix based on the exit code later that day.

Should be fixed by now in the issue branch. Can you verify it? If everything is working, I will merge and release it.

Thank you for reporting this issue and helping to improve this project! :)

Yep the issue is fixed! Thanks for helping me :)

Fix is now available in version 1.6.3!