Gerschtli / dwm-status

Highly performant and configurable DWM status service

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

how to start?

deadbaed opened this issue · comments

i tried to run dwm-status with one of the example files dwm-status examples/default-settings/defaults.toml, and i get this error:

23:10:21 [WARN] Config option 'debug' is deprecated and will be removed in 2.0.0. Log level is set to info by default.
23:10:21 [ERROR] Error in settings: no features enabled

how to enable features? and shouldn't the example be working? am i missing something?


hey, you need to set order as documented in the readme under general options. in examples/default-settings you can see only the default settings.

for example to enable audio and time in toml format:

order = ["audio", "time"]

ohh right! my bad, i actually did order = [audio, time] and that didnt work... maybe i should learn toml lol.

either way, thanks!

i might start using dwm full time with dwm-status, maybe expect some patches from me :)

I'm looking forward to your input! dwm is great tool, maybe you want to have a look at my dwm patches for some inspiration ( ;)