GerryFerdinandus / bittorrent-tracker-editor

Software for add or remove tracker from torrent files.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Verify the working status of public trackers.

GerryFerdinandus opened this issue · comments

Some trackers are dead or unreliable.

This can be verified via

Add main menu 'Online Check'

  • Check status trackers (From newTrackon)
  • Append stable trackers (From newTrackon)

Check will download the trackers for the status information. Append will download and append the stable tracker to the 'Ádd new trackers' input field.

Show status of the trackers in 'Present trackers in all torrent files' as

  • Stable (recomended trackers)
  • Unstable (To many timeout)
  • Dead (Was alive but now is dead)
  • Unknown (Not in the newTrackon database)

Add menu items under 'Trackers'

  • Delete UNSTABLE trackers
  • Delete DEAD trackers
  • Delete UNKNOWN trackers

This will uncheck some trackers the 'Present trackers in all torrent files'

HTTPS need SSL connection

  • Windows need use of a DLL (OpenSSL 1.0.2L)
  • Linux Ubuntu 14.04 (tested OK)
  • macOS 10.13 (tested OK)

Released in 1.33.0.beta.1