Gerenios / AADInternals

AADInternals PowerShell module for administering Azure AD and Office 365

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[Feature Request] Support Integrated Windows Authentication WAM

CravateRouge opened this issue · comments

It would be nice if the AADInternals commands could support the WAM component integrated by default in Win10 for the authentication process.
This would allow a user to authenticate with its session certificate for example.
See or the MSAL.PS Get-MsalToken.ps1 which use it for authentication.

I think this is kind of already there, as you can get access tokens using PRT.

Maybe I'm not using the right term, but let me show you:

With MSAL.PS you're able to log in without providing the credentials. Would it be possible to do the same with AADInternals?

Ah, got you! I'll have a look at some point.