GeorgeFilipkin / pulsemixer

CLI and curses mixer for PulseAudio

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ability to act on all sinks?

tfheen opened this issue · comments

I'm using pulsemixer to mute when the screen locker activates (and unmute when it deactivates). This works fine as long as there is only a single sink, since --mute and --unmute will just act on that. It would be quite useful if there was an easy way to mute or unmute all sinks, not just a specific one.

Yes I agree profusely, It would be great to specify an id "all" which executes the action on all available sinks.

I am currently using this slightly unweildy script to achieve similar. The first argument is either "Source" or "Sink" and the remaining arguments are the commands to execute.



pulsemixer $(\
    pulsemixer --list |\
    rg "^$prefix:" |\
    awk -v args="$args" '{
        cmdargs = cmdargs"--id "$3" "args" "
    } END {
        print cmdargs