GeorgeFilipkin / pulsemixer

CLI and curses mixer for PulseAudio

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Bar-on character not displaying properly

sleao opened this issue · comments

I can't figure this one out on my own. I use the default config, which includes ▮ as the symbol for bar on. For some reason tho, it won't display on my terminal. It's just a blank space and I can't figure out what is going on with it. This is what it looks like.

Well, this is the first time I'm seeing something like this. Usually curses at least attempts to render that symbol (even if it messes up the output)

What you can try is:

  • Check the PULSEMIXER_BAR_STYLE environment variable. It was used previously to change pulsemixer's appearance, maybe you still have it in your bashrc or something
  • Remove config completely
  • Try different terminal fonts, maybe yours is missing that symbol
  • Try different terminal, preferably not vte-based, since they all tend to have the same bugs
  • Create new config with pulsemixer --create-config, uncomment bar-on and set it to any normal ascii character to see if it will be rendered

This should help pinpoint the problem.

I've done a few of those things before.

  • First, I don't think it's the terminal font, since I use vim to edit the config and I can see the character there (which I guess would mean it works)
  • I tried to remove and redo the config a few times before asking, so I'm guessing that doesn't work too
  • Also tried a few terminals, terminator, xterm, alacritty, kitty and a few other that I don't recall the name
  • Didn't try to check the env variable, so I guess that's one thing I'll try as soon as I get home.

Just to be sure, could this be something that I've done or forgotten to do in my pc configs, since I'm running Arch and everything should be installed by hand?

I use vim to edit the config and I can see the character there

One other thing I can think of is some sort of ncurses problem. As far as I know vim doesn't use ncurses so this might be the reason why vim can render that symbol but pulsemixer cant.

I also noticed that your screenshot doesn't have brackets and focus arrows around the volume bars (assuming you didn't disable them in config), so it's not only bar-on problem.

Here is a simple python test. See if it can print all the symbols:

from curses import wrapper

def main(stdscr):
    stdscr.addstr(0, 0, '▮┌╶┐╴└┘─')


All blank on that, so I'm guessing whatever you think it is, you guessed it right.

Now I just checked and I do have ncurses-6.1.-6 installed, even though it's not a dependency. Let me check in ArchWiki to see if there's something I can do.

Any news?

Totally forgot to update you. I'm afraid I couldn't find anything related to it. I have no idea what's going on with my PC.

I'll close this issue, I'm back at Windows on my main PC right now. I'll install arch on my notebook and then use pulsemixer there. Thanks for the help, my man!