GeorgeFilipkin / pulsemixer

CLI and curses mixer for PulseAudio

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Window size bug

AlexTalker opened this issue · comments


Bigger than WHAT? 1366x768 ( a little less, but this doesn't matter ) isn't bigger enough?

Funny, if number button, it show interface. Strange. Seems like first time app running u meet the error, otherwise no.

Dammit, don't know how to reproduce that...

So did you manage to reproduce the bug? Because I did not.

I didn't too. Seems like the bug is able only when you first time ran the app.

Well if you (or anyone else) will ever stumble on this problem again - try running this modified version. It should end curses interface and dump full traceback along with the content of problematic line. I'm leaving the issue open until then.

@GeorgeFilipkin sure, as only meet this problem again 😄 thanks for maintain the useful thing 👍

I've found a very similar issue in qterminal (lxqt/qterminal#39), but it's closed due to lack of feedback. So it might have been some sneaky qterminal bug. Ever noticed this behavior anywhere besides pulsemixer?

@GeorgeFilipkin No, I didn't. Strange. The only bug I meet before is great lack of memory in qterminal(34% RAM was record for my 8GiB 😄 ).
Hm. Wait, might I meet it when play around curses examples but I unsure...Sorry 😞

This is what I get, although it doesn't happen upon starting the program, but instead when I use kmixer's global hotkeys to change the volume while pulsemixer is running:

['  File "./pulsemixer-dbg", line 1215, in display_line\n'
 "    self.screen.addstr(index, shift, ''.join(p[:-1]), int(p[-1]) | mod)\n",
  ' |0\n'
  '                                                                    '
  ' |1048576\n'
  ' 152|0\n'
  '  |2097152\n'

I'm running it inside a screen-4.03.01 session using konsole-2.14.2.

@wrtlprnft Hey, thanks for the report. I still could not reproduce the bug, but have found (and fixed) some other issue when using konsole and they are probably related. Can you try this version and see if your problem still persists? Want to be sure before pushing to master.

I think this fixes it, at least I can't get it to crash anymore.

There still is a list index bug, but it's probably unrelated: In the menu that pops up when pressing return on an audio sink, select Set port and then move the cursor one beyond the last available port. Pressing return then triggers a “Can you make it any bigger” message.

Everything should be fixed now. Considering the issue closed.