Gelio / tslint-react-hooks

TSLint rule for detecting invalid uses of React Hooks

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rule reports false positive for anonymous component returned from a function

realyze opened this issue Β· comments

const createMyComponent = () => {
  return () => {
    const [myState] = React.useState(() => 42);
    return <>something</>

reports a tslint error but the hook is actually used in the root scope.

(Thanks a lot for your work on this project!)

Similar issue when using HOCs.

const MyComponent = withHoc()(() => {
    const [state] = useState();

    return <>{state}</>;

Not sure how to guard against that. For now I just disable rule for the false positive lines.

Yep also running into this with react-intl's injectIntl-HOC.

I also got this when trying to define a HOC

const withHoc = <TProps extends object>(Component: ComponentType<TProps>) => (props: TProps) => {
  const [state] = useState();
  return <Component {...props} />;

A hook cannot be used inside of another function

Heuristic used

It is relatively difficult to determine whether a function is a component, a hook, both of which could contain hook calls, or a regular function that should not contain any hook calls. Functions that start with an uppercase letter are always treated as components. From what I'm seeing in eslint-plugin-react-hooks, they also use a similar heuristic.

If anyone has an idea on how to improve this heuristic, please let me know πŸ™‚


A workaround, for now, is to use named function expressions:

const withHoc = <TProps extends object>(Component: ComponentType<TProps>) =>
  function WrappedComponent(props: TProps) {  // Notice that the component has a name
    const [state] = useState();
    return <Component {...props} />;

Although, I noticed that due to a bug, a named function expression is not detected properly in this case. I am going to create a patch today for the workaround to work πŸ˜„

UPDATE: The patch is out. Take a look at tslint-react-hooks@2.1.0

Thanks, that did it

Awesome πŸŽ‰ Thanks for verifying it!

I am going to close the issue for now, as the workaround is fine and unless the React team finds a way to enhance the heuristic, there does not seem to be a way to fully fix it πŸ™

If someone has an idea, feel free to reopen the issue to discuss it or create a PR πŸ˜„