Gbuomprisco / ngx-content-loading

Angular component to create SVG loading placeholders

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[Reopened] Angular 5.x | ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'speed' of undefined

kapiladiyecha opened this issue · comments

I'm submitting the bug again because I'm not able to reopen #3 and it is not resolved yet.

It happens with the fresh project with angular-cli.

Please find attached plunkr sample.


I have the same error.

mee too

Hi guys, can you try v 0.1.1?

Hello, it works, but Animation is disabled right now :\ Only appears black presets (no animation appears)

Hi, I think I found the issue. Can you try 0.1.2?

Thank you so much, fixed right now ! 👍

Could you please set dependencies to Angular 6 support ?

Thanks a lot man @Gbuomprisco. It is working now :)

Hi, this should be fine now (angular 6)