Gbuomprisco / ngx-content-loading

Angular component to create SVG loading placeholders

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

AoT support

pedropapa opened this issue · comments

Currently the module is not working with AoT (Which comes with Angular 5.x). While trying to build the project for prod environment I receive the following error:

Error during template compile of 'NgxContentLoadingModule' Function calls are not supported in decorators in
            'NgModule' 'NgModule' calls a function at @angular/core/core.ts(194,31).

ng build --prod --aot=false is a workaround for now.

I was running into errors too with ng5+, wish I could use in my project now if compatible AoT

I asked for help in the thread above, hopefully they'll know what's up with this error :)

Just to inform that this bugs is fixed in the latest release of the project (0.0.9): 4616c52

To those interested, I was able to make it work with 0.1.0

Hi @Gbuomprisco , Good to hear that, but #3 Can not read property 'speed' of undefined can it be fixed with 0.1.0?
