Gbuomprisco / ngx-chips

Tag Input component for Angular

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1. Set placeholder length and typing width? 2.onBlur event-- add the typing words to a Tag and clear the typing words

dylanshipf opened this issue · comments


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**Angular version:6.0.3

**ngx-chips version:1.9.8

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Thanks in advance. to set placeholder length?typing words width

2.onBlur event-- Want add the typing words to a Tag and clear the typing words

For all the guys who have issues with changing style, you can override the ngx-chips style. In my case i needed to change the width of the text-input and placeholder, so instead of creating a custom theme, you can use, in your css or scss file, the ::ng-deep special selector for an specific class. It took me 1 week or so to achieve this and to understand it completely. Im using angular 8, and ngx-chips 2.1.0

This is how i changed width and font for in the css file of my component:

.card-body {
display: inline-flex;

.search-img {
cursor: pointer;
position: absolute;
padding: 10px;


::ng-deep .ng2-tag-input__text-input {
width: 600px;
font-family: "Arial";
/display: none !important;/

I hope this is help you all, cause i had to figure it out by my own, if you have any questions, please let me know.

@a602123 - Have you got any solution for this issue?
@aaron2693 - You have added a fixed style value. How can we add a dynamic one, so that it takes up the whole free space, instead of a fixed pixel width

Any help on this would be appreciated :)

I have solved this problem in my project. I just used css‘s deep attribute and fixed the width of the input field.


To make the width of the input box dynamic, I have no idea at the moment.

I struggled with this problem too, and solved with this

::ng-deep tag-input-form > form > input {
    position: relative;
    background-color: transparent;

::ng-deep tag-input-form > form {
    input:not([placeholder='']) {
        min-width: 650px;