GazzolaLab / PyElastica

Python implementation of Elastica, an open-source software for the simulation of assemblies of slender, one-dimensional structures using Cosserat Rod theory.

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Examples not running due to modules not being found

jam474cwru opened this issue · comments

Description: Hello. I am new to the use of PyElastica and haven't coded in some time. I am trying to learn this open source software and run the examples to understand and learn from both the binder and examples folders. However, no matter how many times I try to address the errors, I always am told the beginning modules are not found with the ModuleNotFound error. It is quite frustrating and confusing especially since I would expect them to be within the software already. I am particularly just wanting to start by learning the binder examples and the timoshenkobeamcase and muscularsnake examples.

To reproduce, all I have simply done is copy the exact code from github and cloned a repository in Visual Studio Code.

Expected Behavior: ModuleNotFound

binder example


Based on the first image you shared check if you have installed PyElastica correctly. Make sure to create a conda environment with python 3.10. Then install pyelastica doing pip install pyelastica . I suggest also install example dependencies pip install "pyelastica[examples,docs]" .

Based on second image python cannot find the paths, I suggest appending paths.

import sys

@armantekinalp Thank you for the response, Arman. I installed and created the conda environment with python 3.10 and ran those couple initial installations of pyelastica. I even did the second recommendation in relation to the path, but did not have any luck. I copied that code in a separate file as well and even tried in front of the timoshenko example. Any other recommendations?


@armantekinalp I have even tried:

import sys

thinking that this is the path I must fix, but nothing has worked.

Screenshot 2024-03-11 at 4 56 27 PM

If you are using VScode, try enabling this option in the settings. You can find it by searching for python terminal in the settings.


Unfortunately, the same outcome after I enabled that in settings. I even created a new window and folder and cloned the code from the repository all over again. I installed pyelastica and the initial steps again, but don't understand why this is happening.

Please keep the

import sys

I believe this worked in running the initial codes. Thank you. However, what is the requirements to run a movie? In the muscular snake example, I ran the code for multiple days and by the end it was not able to do anything as it had a runtime error and issue with a needed requirement for a software for any sort of movie. Is there an extension that is needed for these final plots to work?

Unfortunately I killed the terminal so I couldn't post a picture as it ran the simulation again automatically.

do this pip install "pyelastica[examples,docs]" to install example dependencies. Before running the whole simulation change final time to something small and make sure you can generate the videos. Then run the whole simulation.

Upon trying this, I get this error:


Do conda install ffmpeg


Seems there is an OS error of not having a "seaborn-whitegrid" file. Are these common errors that are often experienced?

Can you check you matplotlib version? Seems like seaborn-whitegrid is depreciated. You can install matplotlib version 3.7.5 or you can checkout the branch update-0.3.2 , I fixed it there.

I was able to install that version and it worked... super cool to be able to visualize it. What is the best way to save work? I am struggling downloading the mp4 videos and saving.

what do you mean? mp4 videos should be saved in the same directory as the snake file.

I was able to get the videos. Thank you.

I particularly would like to inquire about the muscular snake example. What is the difference between nu and poissons ratio when defining the bodies? what about n_elem_body? How are the force amplitudes determined and for which muscles?

I really appreciate your help through these questions.

@jam474cwru I am closing this issue since this particular problem seems to be resolved. If you have further questions, please open another issue/discussion.

I believe the answer for the questions that you are asking can be found in the tutorials, I would recommend to check tutorial: theory and tutorial: numerics.