GarageGames / Torque2D

MIT Licensed Open Source version of Torque 2D game engine from GarageGames

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TextSprite character color vs. SceneObject fadeTo

capnlove opened this issue · comments

If a character of a TextSprite object is set to a color using setCharacterBlendColor, using the method fadeTo of the TextSprite will fade all letters except the ones set via setCharacterBlendColor.

Ideally, I think that the SceneObject-level commands dealing with alpha or blendcolor should override per-character modifications.

I actually use the fact that it doesn't in the hidden word demo in the character toy. I take it you would like to have fadeTo make the multi-color word change to a single color? That sounds useful, but it would probably take a special fading function unique to the text sprite. That way it wouldn't break the existing functionality which also has use cases.

Your call, It can easily be circumvented with quick and easy script but I just think it deserves to be discussed.