GallagherCommaJack / thread-latency-tester

a quick and dirty way to test scheduler latency

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ryzen 9 4900HS, linux 5.8.0-rc5

min: 0 micros
max: 165 micros
med: 0 micros
avg: 0 micros
90th percentile: 0
99th percentile: 0
99.9th percentile: 0
99.99th percentile: 9
99.999th percentile: 21

Ryzen 9 4900HS, linux zen 5.7.9

min: 0 micros
max: 100 micros
med: 1 micros
avg: 1 micros
90th percentile: 1
99th percentile: 1
99.9th percentile: 7
99.99th percentile: 11
99.999th percentile: 20


a quick and dirty way to test scheduler latency


Language:Rust 100.0%