Galimede / Wekanda

Quizz WebApp made with react (front) and express (back/api) - Bachelor final project

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Wekanda - Quizz App

Wekanda is a Quizz App that allows people to play quizzes around different themes/categories.


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • You have npm and node installed
  • A Postgresql DB if you're not using Docker
  • You have Docker installed (optional)

Made with

Installing Wekanda

To install the app, follow these steps:

  • First, clone the project :
git clone
  • Now with npm :
cd front
npm i
cd ../back 
npm i

Note: If you're using npm you will have to modify the config.js in back/config/config.js and run the sql script associated in back/data/data.sql in order to run it properly.

Now the project is ready;

Using and launching Wekanda

In order to launch or use Wekanda, you can either use

  • Docker :

Place yourself in the root of the project then do :

docker-compose up
  • Npm :

On one terminal do :

cd front 
npm run start

On another one do :

cd back
npm run start

Now you're ready to go 😃



Quizz WebApp made with react (front) and express (back/api) - Bachelor final project


Language:JavaScript 87.1%Language:TSQL 5.1%Language:Shell 3.6%Language:CSS 3.2%Language:HTML 0.9%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%