GPflow / GPflowOpt

Bayesian Optimization using GPflow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

logging is turned off

Joshuaalbert opened this issue · comments


Nice package, however I'm unable to see anything in printed to stdout with logging except logging.warning. I am not running with optim.silent context, and I also modified the src line (

save_stdout = sys.stdout
to just return, so optim.silent doesn't dump stdout to null.
I still cannot see output that I would like to see.
Is there an option somewhere, where logging levels are being modified. Something besides silent mode?

Are you running master or the gpflow-1.0-v3 branch? In the latter I added some commits to set TF logging to WARN in BOPtimizer while waiting for a proper fix.