GPUOpen-Tools / compressonator

Tool suite for Texture and 3D Model Compression, Optimization and Analysis using CPUs, GPUs and APUs

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Black pixels along right edge when BC7 compressing mips with a non-divisible-by-4 width

expenses opened this issue · comments

Version: compressonatorcli V4.4.19 Copyright AMD 2023

Compressing the following image with compressonatorcli -miplevels 20 -fd BC7 arco_frente.png results in a black pixels appearing along the right edge from the 3rd mip onwards. This is presumably caused by widths that aren't divisible by 4 (e.g. 27). Happens on both CPU and HPC.



@expenses Thanks for the detailed report! We will be investigating this issue in the near future.

Thought I'd follow up with a little more info: the image arco_frente.png is from the 'San Miguel 2.0' model on Lot's of images used in that model have similar issues.

@expenses Thanks for the extra info, that link will be very useful for testing.