GPUOpen-Tools / compressonator

Tool suite for Texture and 3D Model Compression, Optimization and Analysis using CPUs, GPUs and APUs

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BC7 UNORM SRGB support (KTX2)

0x4E69676874466F78 opened this issue · comments

Why is only BC7 UNORM supported?

@w23 Merge code has build errors please review
Issue is reopen for fix.

@w23 Merge code has build errors please review Issue is reopen for fix.

My apologies for breaking the build.

Would it be possible to set up GitHub actions to do pre-merge checks? It would help a lot with making and verifying PRs before they get merged.

I'll look into fixing the BC7 support when I get some free time.

Would it be possible to set up GitHub actions to do pre-merge checks? It would help a lot with making and verifying PRs before they get merged.

Putting trigger on pull request should be trivial...:


    types: ['opened', 'edited', 'reopened', 'synchronize']


@SlawekNowy Thanks for the suggestion and links, The action script has been set to run on any pull request type for now. It may get limited, depending on build time usage.