GPUOpen-Tools / compressonator

Tool suite for Texture and 3D Model Compression, Optimization and Analysis using CPUs, GPUs and APUs

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Add install cmake target

seragh opened this issue · comments


Before v4.4 framework was a single static library. Now it's 5 libraries, namely: CMP_Framework depends on CMP_Core which in turn depends on CMP_Core_SSE CMP_Core_AVX and CMP_Core_AVX512.

Would be nice to have an install target and export main library targets so future changes to deps of library targets will be invisible to end users. Not having to gather required libraries and headers in various locations and manually write include and linker options (which may even depend on options, see #264) would be convenient as well.

Bonus would be a pkg-config file for non cmake build systems and maybe a vcpkg port.